Since the launch of Dabblesoft I’ve been working on a variety of different items on my list. More content has been added to the website, updates/tweaking to the server, and making progress on Project-A. The most notable additions include new features to the Upkeep page and the new Credits page.
Upkeep Features

The Upkeep Castle
The Upkeep page now shows info regarding the financial status of Dabblesoft such as overall expenses (servers, assets, wages, etc) and contributions (donations, sales, ad revenue, etc), monthly goals, and ways to help support me. Having just started out I currently cover all the expenses out-of-pocket. The Wages is easily the most expensive part of the whole thing, at least for now. Even though I’m the only one working on this it’s still good practice to consider yourself and your time as an expense just as it would be if you were working for a company. Obviously, you have to be able to cover living costs like food, shelter, etc. If you leave that out you aren’t going to have an accurate idea of what to expect for your overall expenses. That being said, I went with the national minimum wage as an initial goal in order to maintain realistic expectations for an indie dev that is just starting out. Although, even that is a bit optimistic but it’s a starting point. Most people working for an employer in the gaming industry typically make much more than that but it’s all part of pursuing something on your own and giving equal consideration to the pros and cons associated with it.
With that in mind, I’ve also added some ways to help support me! On the Home page and Upkeep page under the Support sections you’ll see some support links such as PayPal and Amazon. Currently these are the only two options but I’ll be adding more in the future. If you have any suggestions let me know through email or leave a comment below.
Credits Page

Postmaster Pete
The Credits page was added as a way for me to list all the people, assets, and resources that I’ve used. Everything from the domain registrar to the assets used in my projects can be found there… eventually. I’ve only added a few things so far but I’ll be updating it and adding more as I come across them. Oh, and one last thing, you’ll find Postmaster Pete hanging around there so be sure to stop by!
I’ll make another post soon about my progress so far with Project-A. It’s coming along nicely and I’m enjoying the development process despite hitting some obstacles here and there. They provide a nice opportunity to learn something new, which is always nice!